+      _  _ ____ ____ ____ _  _ ____
    |      |\/| |  | |__/ |___ |\ | |__|    Web:  https://morena.rest
 +--+--+   |  | |__| |  \ |___ | \| |  |    Mail: morena@morena.rest
    |                                       IRC:  morena.rest
    +      The internet is full. Fuck Off 

Why is your Gopher broken?

Thanks to your genes and missing parts in your brain and heart. Yes,
you are full-time idiot!

It requires high level of stupidity to break one of the simplest
method for publishing content over the internet.

Qute from RFC 1436 The Internet Gopher Protocol:

The client should interpret the type field as follows:

0   The item is a TextFile Entity.
    Client should use a TextFile Transaction.

1   The item is a Menu Entity.
    Client should use a Menu Transaction.


Pretty clear for average random peasant, somehow not for majority
pseudo admins of gophers. Practically every Gopher server is broken.
From few hundreds there are just few, no more than 10 gophers which
are not broken by dumb pseudo admin.

If you somehow, for whatever exotic reason wish to share something
different than a text file, then yes, it is not 'item type 0' but
something else.

Directory - menu, is a "file system" kind of hierarchy, item type 1.
Yes dear, menu is a directory listing, not a HTML, linked text file
with your random gibberish around a menu items.

Server implementation is broken as client implementation most of the
time. Available software reflect its users. It's rubish. Practically
all available software is influenced by cancerous harmful
corporations, so called security agencies and random brainwashed
useful idiots.

There are so few programs that are made and kept alive by competent,
talented and enthusiastic computer programmer. Even if some is found,
poor boy has to deal with all nonsense and junk included in every
operating system, its dumb userbase and so on ...

All this above, is okay, it reflect the state of current civilization
and society in this clown world.

I wish you merry christmass and lot of graphene.


One lovely day, your heart suddenly stops beating.