+      _  _ ____ ____ ____ _  _ ____
    |      |\/| |  | |__/ |___ |\ | |__|    Web:  https://morena.rest
 +--+--+   |  | |__| |  \ |___ | \| |  |    Mail: morena@morena.rest
    |                                       IRC:  morena.rest
    +      The internet is full. Fuck Off 



I am admitting I did genocide.
I killed my lovely useless Gopher and Finger servers. Also the last
additional pointless nonsense Tor. Ye, I nailed them all to the cross.

All those were just waste of time and energy. 

No more gophering, fingering and toring here.
Millions of brave people can enjoy HTTP - website presentation and
communicate with magnificient IRC and mail.


All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.